I have an Ukrainian friend though I haven't seen her yet. It has passed about twenty years since we knew each other.
The cause of relationship was an E-mail which reached me by mistake. Though she thought that she sent E-mail which attached many photos of the nice travel to her friend, she wrote the wrong E-mail address.
At the time, I moved and began to live in Kyoto. Almost people would go out
every holiday at first because they are interested in the new city. As I did so too, I had many photos of the tourist sites in Kyoto. Then I returned her E-mail "the
address is probably wrong. I'm Japanese and live in Kyoto now" with attaching
the photos of shrines and temples. Our relationship has continued since the

I think she is three or four years younger than I am. Though she was single at
I think she is three or four years younger than I am. Though she was single at
the time, she married soon, and she is the mother growing two children. Our
exchange has never stopped. Though The method was only E-mail at first, we
can exchange the movies and the voices each other in the site of Facebook. A
few months ago, she sent me the voice that she read Japanese "Haiku" with
her very young son. She often said that she was not good at English because
Ukrainian is completely different from English. But she definitely put an accent
on each Japanese word like English.

Russia invaded into Ukraine last year. At the moment, I contacted her
Russia invaded into Ukraine last year. At the moment, I contacted her
immediately and ask her " I knew the terrible war began by news, so are you
and your family OK?" But she returned me that the war against Russia began
from the invasion of the Crimea in 2014 for Ukrainian, the war has continued
since then.

As she lived in Kyiv, she moved to Spain where the sister of her husband live
for the safety of her children. However, the Ukrainian grammar is different from
the grammar of Europe and American area like Japanese though I recently
realized the fact by starting to study Ukrainian language nowadays. She wrote me the deep torments such as Spanish life was difficult because the culture and language were so different from Ukrainian, and she wanted to raise her children in the native language. We Japanese is especially unique in this world. I could
understand her mind in the foreign country. After all, she returned to Kyiv in
spite of the continuing danger of the missiles by Russia with her children.
for the safety of her children. However, the Ukrainian grammar is different from
the grammar of Europe and American area like Japanese though I recently
realized the fact by starting to study Ukrainian language nowadays. She wrote me the deep torments such as Spanish life was difficult because the culture and language were so different from Ukrainian, and she wanted to raise her children in the native language. We Japanese is especially unique in this world. I could
understand her mind in the foreign country. After all, she returned to Kyiv in
spite of the continuing danger of the missiles by Russia with her children.

She always introduces me Ukrainian cultures, the books about Ukraine,
She always introduces me Ukrainian cultures, the books about Ukraine,
Ukrainian artists, her current life in Kyiv etc on the messenger of FB. As there
was the book which explained Ukraine in English, I'm translating it into Japanese now. I don't know whether I can make it Japanese book because there are
some troubles which might be impossible to solve. But I could realize Ukrainian and Ukraine deeply by the book.
As Ukraine is in the important place of Eurasian Continent and has the fertile soil, it was invaded many times like the current situation in the history. But
Ukrainian continues to maintain their tradition which handed down from the
ancient age while they took in the cultures of the other races generously. I fully
feel their affection to Ukraine, the pride as Ukrainian and their toughness.

I call her by her nickname. She loves a gull, so her friends call her the name of animal. Therefore the word "gull" of Ukrainian is her name for me.