大湯 間欠泉



"Big spring" "Geyser"

This is the only source which actually erupts now. Though it naturally erupted in the old time, it gradually got weaker by the effect of the development of other 
sources. After that, the big earthquake gave another blow to it. Then it stopped 
to erupt. Currently, it is erupted artificially. However, the source doesn't always 
erupt as it imitates the old time situation that it erupted 6 times in a day. By the way, the photo of the green billboard above stands here.

It is said that people carried this hot spring to Edo castle because Ieyasu 
Tokugawa liked it especially. "Kyuuki-kan (Hotel)" was built at Meiji era. Since 
the rumor that the steam was effective in the lung disease was expanded, a lot of the hot spring visitor came here. 


Incidentally, here is the original place starting the long distance call. A lot of 
people would think "the long distance call ?" (me too). As many politician and 
government officials stayed by some business, they always needed to get in touch with Tokyo. For the reason, the line the outside of the city was laid.

The old shape telephone box is built at the side of the geyser. It restored the 
telephone box which was built in Kyobashi at the first time in Japan. You can 
use the public telephone actually. 

熱海を一巡りし、歩き疲れて帰途に就く。その疲労を、旅の終点が癒してくれる。駅前の足湯である。”家康 来 熱海400年”を記念して、2004年に建造された新しい天然温泉である。


"Hot Spring of Ieyasu"

You would be tired to go around in Atami through a day. The end of the journey would heal the fatigue. It is "Ashi-yu (Hot spring for foot)" in front of Atami 
station. It is the new natural Onsen which was built in 2004 for the anniversary 
of 400 years since Ieyasu came Atami.

The time of Covid-19 had been closed. But it opens now. Onlu one hand towel wouldn't be a load, I think. Or there is "One-hundred-yen shop" on the third floor of the station building near here. The bath drain the hot water at 4 p.m. though it is early for the tourists. 

次いでではあるが、熱海駅から続く商店街”平和通り”には足湯ならぬ、”手湯”がある。”手湯 福福の湯”は、地下300mから76度の源泉を引き上げ、40度ほどに調節してある。神経痛や関節痛、火傷や切り傷などに効能があるらしい。湯の隣には、にっこりとほほ笑む可愛らしいお地蔵さんが鎮座している。お湯をかけてあげると、御利益があるとのことである。

"Hot Spring of Fukufuku"

Finally, there is "Hot spring for hand" in the shopping street, "Heiwa-dori (Peace street)" near Atami station. "Hnd-Onsen Fukufuku-no-yu" pulls up the source of 76 degrees from 300m underground and adjust about 40 degrees. It is effective in neuralgia, joint pain, bourns, cuts and so on. The small Buddhism statue 
which smiles lovely sits next to the hot water. If you poured the hot water over 
the head, the good luck would come to you.