

In the middle of the "Seven Hot Spring Tour", I saw a shrine where the hot water from the source flowed. It is said that the shrine was built in 749.

I went down the slope from "Hot Spring of Nonaka" to "Hot Spring of Seyser" 
which is the last place in the tour. I saw the large camphor tree like the second 
camphor tree at Kinomiya shrine. The stone "Torii" gate of this shrine is built at 
the side of the tree.



At the left side through the "Torii", there was the wooden board on which the 
origin of the shrine was written. We would be able to understand the enshrined deity is "Sukunabikona-no-kami." The god came beyond the sea. The story may be approprieate in this sea town, Atami.

This shrine also have the founding legend. 

"Once, a hot spring erupted from the bottom of the sea. Therefore, the fishes 
died by it and the residents in this village confused because they make a living by fishing. Then, a high priest visited in Atami. He lamented this heavy plight 
and removed the spring vein to the middle of a mountain by praying to 
"Takushinyorai." After the success, he preached in this town " let's build the 
shrine in front of this spring vein and worship it! The god would cure the current disease. In addition, everybody will live in the happy future."

The hot water was trickling on the surface of the rock at the right side of the 
road.  The two stone statues sat at the upper part of the rock. They looked like 
the small dolls which a child often played with. The man who sat on the 
pedestal with standing the sword. And the woman stayed calmly next to him 
with hugging their child. It seemed that he was the god, "Sukunabikona" and 
she was his wife. The trickling water fell into a hole which was excavated on the smooth stone. Then, it spilled out from there and wet the ground.

There were the stone lanterns on both sides of the stair landing. It seemed that  this lanterns and the stone "Torii" gate were donated by Japanese feudal lord of Kurume who visited here in Edo era. Kurume is Fukuoka prefecture in Kyusyu. Maybe thanks for the Sukunabikona's travel around all country in Japan which "Ookuninusi" went together to make his own country.

When we climbed at the precincts with the main hall, "Komainu" greeted us. 
Their facial expression were very calm and gentle. So they welcomed us rather than protected the main hall bravely. They seemed to say us that let's pray a lot of your desires. It's unique.
「都より 巽にあたり 出湯あり 名はあづま路の 熱海といふ
                     源 実朝」

On the right side of the precincts, the stone monument was built. The lyric was 
carved on the surface. 

"There is the eruption of the great hot water in the southeast from the capital. 
The name is Atami on Azuma road."

He planned that he worshiped at two place, Hakone shrine and Izusan shrine in the middle of the travel from Kyoto to Tokyo. However, he encountered the nice hot water unexpectedly. He made the lyric by the impression. We would feel the long history from the fact.  

"Yuzen shrine is in the area of "Kinomiya shrine." Therefore,"Kinomiya shrine" 
dealt with the unique stamp of "Yuzen shrine."