
Jacaranda is in full bloom before and after the beginning of June every year. 
Therefore, "Jacaranda Festival" is held to appreciate the flowers from June 1 
and Jacaranda is lit up at night. 

Jacaranda is included in three major flower trees of the world. It is the 
deciduous tree of Bignoniaceae. The place of origin is South America. The 
blue-purple flower is trumpet-shaped and blooms in clusters. The shape of the 
leaf is uncommon. Roughly speaking, it resembles a bird's feather. Jacaranda 
that live in Japan is a little. There are 50 kinds only in Jacaranda. A big one 
grows to 30m. As it is often called "Sakura of southern hemisphere," some 
Japanese love it and are looking forward to the full bloom. The language of 
flower is "honor" and "glory." It seems to be proud of one of three major flower 
trees in this world by oneself.    


However, Jacaranda was donated from Cascais city near Lisbon in Portugal. 
The origin of relationship was that Japanese taught and transmitted Judo. The 
situation that Cascais city is a resort area may be similar to Atami. These two 
cities became the sister city in 1990.

In that connection, other major flower trees of the world are "African tulip tree". The original place is South Africa and it is also Bignoniaceae. Another one is 
"Flame-of-the-forest." The original place is Madagascar. It is a deciduous tree of the leguminous family.


Jacaranda bloomed along left and right sides of the promenade separately. 
Almost trees had flowers. But, sometimes I found the trees which grew only 
leaves. I thought " are they in a bad mood this year?" 

Though the main tree was Jacaranda, many kinds of flowers bloomed. So we 
can enjoy a lot of colors.

"Bottlebrush" was funny because the red flowers looked like the real brush as 
the name. It came from Australia and is the ornamental small tree. It has the 
strange habits. If it was hit by a forest fire, it releases its seeds.

Lily-like "Hemerocallis" was lovely because the appearance that the center of 
the white flower was faintly dyed in pink seemed to be ashamed. It is fleeting 
that the blooming flowers wither in a day. For that reason, it is also called "Day 
Lily." If you could see the blooming flowers, you would be lucky. 

I realized that the red flower in front of me was the flower of cactus by the 
conversation of the walking women. I focused on the flower. Therefore, I didn't 
notice that the flower was growing from the cactus.

The original place of "Yellow Lantana" with dense florets is Central and South 
America. Though the flowers is yellow at the moment of the blooming, the color is gradually fading. When I visited, nearly half of them changed to pale purple. 
Japanese name of the flower is "7 henge (Seven transfigurations)" by the 

The flower name, "Buddleja davidii Black Knight," was blooming, though I don't know if the name is scary or cool. Contrary ot its name, the place of the origin is China. It is said that the flower attracts butterflies by the wonderful fragrance. 
The color of the flowers is dark purple. But it looked like the head of elephant for me. 

There were others familiar to Japanese, for example hydrangea, "Omiya no 
Matu (pine tree)" end so on. Though I'm sorry for my ignorance, there were a lot of flowers which I couldn't introduce because I couldn't know the name for no 
signs. You might experience a different feeling if you walked slowly for a change in the middle of travel and enjoyed realizing what kinds of flowers really 
bloomed. In fact, a man of a couple seemed to enjoy unexpectedly though he 
visited here at the initiative of the girlfriend.  

The bamboo tubes with many fine holes lined up along the road. The light bulbs for light up at night were installed in the bamboo. They were waiting for the start of the night event at June 1. The workmanship to color the festival was given on the surface of the bamboos. I want to report the night event later.