観光・その他 静岡県伊東市川奈901−2   [地図] [地図]
Yuta Ando
2023-03-20 21:02
川奈の海蔵寺 Kaizou-temple In Kawana
趣味・カルチャー 静岡県 海蔵寺 イルカ浜
静岡県・海蔵寺 イルカ浜


"Kawana" is the small port town. 

In spite of the size, many divers and fishers visit here through the year. There is the fishing place which everybody goes into anytime, and you can go to the sea near shore by rowing a boat by yourself.

In the summer, the sandy beach next to the small port is filled up by a lot of 
families who enjoy swimming and sunburn with children, because here is safe 
to be surrounded by the high embankment. As a large number of people 
beyond the expectation visit this narrow " Dolphin beach", it seems to build 
some parking lots temporarily.  
そのビーチの背後にある低い山の中腹に、こじんまりとしたお寺がある。寺名は「曹洞宗 龍穏山 海蔵寺」、1593年創建という古刹である。



In the middle of the low mountain behind the beach, there is the small but cozy 
temple. The name is "Soutou-shu (the name of Buddhism denomination) 
Ryuonzan Kaizou-ji". The temple was built in 1593, so it is an old historic temple in Japan.

My purpose to visit it is that I want to know the past "Tsunami records" which is 
left in this temple by carving it on the stones. 

The three stones monuments are built next to the acute stairs. They look like 
lower than my knee. The name of the big earthquakes and the occurred years 
are carved on the surface by red lines. The place of the monuments show the 
height of the big Tsunami. The highest is next to the fourth step from the top, 
and it was occurred in Edo era. Kanto Daisinsai which was occurred in Taisyo 
era is next to the sixth step from the bpttom. I saw the sea from each step. I can recognize that almost houses near the sea were definitely swallowed by the big Tsunami. 

In addition, the derivation of the name "Dolphin Beach" is left in this temple. The fishermen in Kawana mainly seemed to play the drive fishing of dolphin at the 
old time. The fresh and lively flowers were offered for dolphins which were 
captured and killed for the human life. 