観光・レジャー 静岡県駿東郡清水町伏見52−1 サントムーン柿田川 オアシス 3階  [地図]
Yuta Ando
2023-03-30 07:06
幼魚水族館 Aquarium of baby fish 2022.10.22
観光・レジャー 静岡県 柿田川サントムーン

Since I began to play the scuba diving, I'm strongly interested in the moving and shapes of the sea creatures and seem to love them deeply in my mind. Some 
TV program introduced that there is the fingerling aquarium in Mishima. I think "Oh, Mishima is near here. I 


The director of this aquarium is a expert and researcher of baby fishes who has a long and golden hair and put on a white sailor suit. His name is Karimu 
Suzuki. He calls himself a collector of baby fishes at the harbors. Everybody 
don't forget him because of his unique looking. 

There are about 50 small water tanks here. But everyone would be bored with 
this aquarium because he keeps many kinds of rare fishes and other creatures except for fish. He also exhibits the top ten of the baby fishes by his own 
selection in some space. And in another place, the tank for baby and the tank 
for adult are arranged. There are the tanks for the fresh water organisms near 
the exit. We can watch the living fossil, horseshoe crabs of babies. Some 
wooper-loopers were looking at me through the glass of tank, so I remembered that a teacher raised it at my junior high school. 

I forgot to pass the time when I gazed at the strange way of swimming and the 
lovely shapes. Near the exit I remembered that there was a fish staying still, 
and I thought how it was now. Finally I came back to the tank again to realize its shape.    

As the tanks is installed at the height of childish eyes, the adults have to bend 
down to observe them. If you continued to watch them for long hours at each 
tank, the burden might weigh heavily on your waist. However, you would be 
fascinated with the mysterious loveliness carelessly, if you saw their pure 
atmosphere just in front of your eyes. 