レインボーデッキ - 熱海親水公園
観光・その他 静岡県熱海市渚町18   [地図] [地図]
Yuta Ando
2023-05-25 18:07
熱海花火大会 2023開始  The fireworks festival 2023 starting in Atami
観光・レジャー 静岡県 熱海親水公園

The severe winter finished, and the fireworks festival began in Atami finally this year. The summer will come gradually ("suddenly" in recent years) from now. 
The fireworks festivals are held many times in Atami through a year. We enjoy 
the fireworks at a hot sweaty night and a cold and freezing night despite that we wrap ourselves in a coat or down jacket from April to December.


The night in April was still cold. As the regulation of Covid-19 also remained, the visitors from outside Atami city were a little. However, after entering Golden Week, the number of people who walked around has increased by three or four 
times. The restriction of Covid-19 was planned to be lifted after Golden Week. 
But the atmosphere of the city was as if the restriction has already been lifted.

I thought the fireworks festival at May 13 would be overflowing with the visitors. But it wasn't so unexpectedly. Yes, it was still May. It wasn't the season of the 
fireworks festival, and almost people didn't know that the festival was held in Atami. They considered that they wanted to watch the sea with eating the special 
sweets, taste the luxury dinner of the fresh seafoods and heal their daily 
fatigues by the slightly hot Onsen. When they thought so, the fireworks happened to go up, and they could experience the lucky feeling. Almost visitors would 
think like this.  


Atami city and the fireworks artist seem to have a strong passion. The day of 
the festival is often increased. Though only one festival was scheduled at May 
13, the day,21 was added. By the pamphlet, only one festival is planned in July. But I have a feeling that it will increase. Please refer to the official site of Atami 
city about the details. 