善逝寺 - 静岡市
観光・その他 静岡県静岡市葵区新通1丁目2−31   [地図]
Yuta Ando
2023-07-31 04:30
善逝寺 医王寺  "Zenzei-ji Iou-ji" in Atami
観光・レジャー 静岡県 熱海駅付近


The temple is near Atami station. You walk through the shopping street, 
"Heiwa (Peace) Dori (street)", go down the slope a little, and turn right at the 
first corner. "Iou-ji" appears in front of you.

This temple is very rare because the main hall isn't made of the woods. As it 
used many stones, the white is the base color. Therefore, the precincts and the main hall looked like bright. While I saw the outlook of the main hall, I couldn't 
believe that this temple continues for 800 years. Though this temple is 
"Myoshinji school of Rinzai sect", It was "Shingon sect" in the old time because 
it was a branch temple of Izusan Hannyain temple at the time. "San Gou 
(So-called "Mountain's name where the temple exist)" is "Zenzei-ji". The 
principal image is "Yakushi Nyorai". The name of the temple "Iou" which mean 
the king of doctor in Japanese derives from the image who cures all ailments.

A lot of the smiling and pretty stone Jizou stood here and there in this small 
precincts. In the middle of the stairs which reach the main hall, the brown Jizou and the gray Jizou told roughly with smiling. I wanted to know secretly what 
they talk unintentionally. 

In the grassy place which is along the border between the kindergarten and the main hall, many childish Jizo sit and stood here and there, and some of them 
prayed. One Jizo pointed to the sky proudly. In the back of them, the white 
statue of "Kannon" watched over them. 

In the right side of the main hall, all "Shitifukujin (Seven Lucky Gods)" were in 
full force. The big stone's statues were elaborately crafted. Therefore, they were worth seeing. In their back, "Sei Kannon (Holy Kannon)" which was shining 
golden seemed to assure the safety in the range of sight from the top of the 

When I began to return the way, a man (I don't know whether he was temple 
official or not) taught me that the narrow road over there (in the direction of 
quarter) was interesting because you could go back to the main street.  Though narrow alleys extend up the mountainside in a complicated way in the fishing 
town, it is same in Atami. It is common that we suddenly encounter the narrow 
alleys when I walk in main street. As almost alleys are bent soon, we can't 
imagine where it leads us. When I proceeded in the new view with anxiety 
about getting lost, the adventurous inquisitive mind and half-challenging walk, I had a feeling that a child's mind returned.