清水山温泉寺 - 静岡県熱海市
観光・その他 静岡県熱海市上宿町2−19   [地図] [地図]
Yuta Ando
2023-06-29 03:58
清水山温泉寺   Onsenji (Hot spring temple)
観光・レジャー 静岡県 温泉寺


There was an interesting temple near the geyser for a long time. When I usually go shopping at Max Valu, I see it every time. It is difficult to realize it because 
the temple is surrounded by houses and parking lots.

At the side of the stairs leading to the temple gate, the stern stone pillar which 
was excavated the letters, "Rinzaisyu Myousinnjiha (Buddhism sect name)" and "Onsenji (the name of temple)". Before the stone, some interestingly low 
tropical trees and the stone statue of the children who snuggle up each other 

On the back of the stone of the temple name, there was Amida Buddha's name stone. It was associated with the practitioner of Buddhist prayer, "Yuinen 
Buddhist priest". The letters on the stone was too difficult to read. But we might understand the "Kanji" if we knew them in advance.

There was the wide stone which was excavated the feet of Budda under the 
temple gate. I was surprised with the big size. At the left side, "6 Jizo" who put 
on the red hat were standing.


The origin of the temple was by Fujifusa Fujiwara who was the loyal retainer of Emperor Godaigo. His father served Godaigo too. There is the pine tree which 
reportedly he planted in this area.

Kouiti Yamamoto who was a Rinpa painter in Edo era praised the scenery of the old pine tree and counted as one of the eight nice view of Atami.

There was the water harp will near the entrance of the main shrine. It was lovely that the child's Jizo listened to the faint sound.

There was "Jizo Bosatu Fudoumyouou Do" next to the main shrine. It laid the 
copper plate tiles on the roof and the form of the roof is "Hougyou-Dukuri".

The main shrine was the wooden one-style house. "Katousou (the special window)" was installed on both sides of the front wall. In this main shrine, the 
principal image of worship, "Nyoirin Kanzeon Bodhisattva", would be enshrined.

It is rare as Buddhism temple that we can see the tropical trees which look like a seaside town.

Two dogs which sit around the entrance of the main shrine kept barking after I 
entered the precincts. They were little, but they played the role of the guard dog exactly. When I pointed my cellphone to take a picture, they suddenly stopped 
to bark and turned aside. The attitude was funny and lovely for me.