新・江ノ島水族館② 2024.2.15 New Enoshima Aquaium②
I reached the special exhibition, “Deep Sea Creature Booth”, which was fascinated me. The definition of deep-sea fish is that it lives at depths of 200m
or more. Here don’t introduce only the deep-sea creatures. There is the coastal aquarium booth which exhibits the environment of water depth 10m~30m, 30m~50m, 50m~100m and 100m~150m. Each aquarium got darker as the depth
increased and introduced the diversity of creatures in each area. Then, the tank flew to the tank of the deep-sea creatures.
(I’m sorry. I’m verry interested in Bluespotted Cornetfish. So, at the water tank
(I’m sorry. I’m verry interested in Bluespotted Cornetfish. So, at the water tank
with depth of 30-50m, only Bluespotted Cornetfish is on air. Thank you for your understanding.)
family and my father’s friend family went goby fishing at the downstream of a
river that flew into Tokyo Bay. I wasn’t accustomed to fishing. Therefore, I
remembered that it was difficult for me to fish without using bob. Fortunately, we could get many gobies. So, we ate them as “Tempra” after homecoming. I was deeply impressed and glad that I could eat them from head to tail, including
bone. When I think about those gobies from now, I feel scared because Tokyo
Bay was probably pretty polluted at that time. However, it was about 10 years
later that contaminants such as dioxins became a hot topic publicly.
Gobies we caught were all dark in color and clumsy. Therefore, I had formed my stereotype of what a goby was like. But the stereotype was broken after I began to play scuba diving. Goby species are so diverse that new species are still
Gobies we caught were all dark in color and clumsy. Therefore, I had formed my stereotype of what a goby was like. But the stereotype was broken after I began to play scuba diving. Goby species are so diverse that new species are still
discovered. I heard that it is impossible to introduce all of them in a specialized and illustrated book. Actually, it is fun for me to see colorful goby and beautifully swimming goby in the sea. In addition, my curiosity about what gobies are is
In this area, the booth which introduced a species of “Goby” studied by the
In this area, the booth which introduced a species of “Goby” studied by the
Emperor (now the former Emperor) was produced. He discovered 10 new
species of “Goby” and we can watch the same species which he studied. In
addition, this aquarium breeds the precious “Goby” designated as an
endangered species and the special “Goby” that we think “Oh, you are kidding! These are not gobies”. We can fully understand the diverse species of “Goby”
by only this booth.
There were two areas healed by the jellyfishes.
“Fantasy Hall by Jellyfish”
A large number of jellyfish swam gracefully in the large tanks, according to
“Fantasy Hall by Jellyfish”
A large number of jellyfish swam gracefully in the large tanks, according to
species. As some benches were installed, almost visitors would be able to
spend hours to relax themselves here.
”クラゲ・サイエンス”“Jellyfish Science”
Here was planned near the end place and was just studying jellyfish
Here was planned near the end place and was just studying jellyfish
scientifically. The stuffs of this aquarium go to sea every day to capture
jellyfishes and their passion is devoted to research on many kinds of breeding methods and the discovery of the new species. We can see the jellyfishes
which are too little to recognize them as jellyfishes and a pretty fish which has
lived symbiotically with jellyfish. I heard that many surfers became the victims of Portuguese Man O’ War and severe swellings occurred over a wide and long
area. When I watched the long and thin legs like thread, I got a gut feeling, “Oh, these guys are too dangerous!”.
I felt keenly that the pleasure of this aquarium was not only the deep-sea
creatures and jellyfishes. As there were too many areas which fascinated me,
the sound of closure began to flow from the electric speakers before I finished
watching every area.
4 hours when I walked around in the aquarium in this day weren’t enough. The booths that I was looking forward to were left yet…. It’s too regrettable for me…. I swore to come again. The final exhibition was the tower made by wine glasses in which jellyfishes were swimming. The scene was nostalgic for me.
4 hours when I walked around in the aquarium in this day weren’t enough. The booths that I was looking forward to were left yet…. It’s too regrettable for me…. I swore to come again. The final exhibition was the tower made by wine glasses in which jellyfishes were swimming. The scene was nostalgic for me.