観光・レジャー 静岡県熱海市梅園町8−11   [地図] [地図]
Yuta Ando
2023-06-23 03:09
”ほたる観賞の夕べ” 熱海梅園にて  "The view of the lighting firefly in the Plum Garden"
観光・レジャー 静岡県 熱海梅園


This event was also held in early June each year. In March, people released the larvae of "Genji firefly" into the clear stream which go through "Atami Baien 
(Plum Garden)" artificially. Between late May and early June, they become the 
adults. At this time of night, many dot lights drift above the surface of the river.

When I visited the event last year, I felt some danger. There were few streets 
lights. So, I couldn't see my feet at all. Therefore, I brought the electric torch at 
this time. But when I got close to the firefly habit, I was warned from the elder 
staff that you have to turn off the torch. As my eyes weren't used to the 
darkness, I couldn't see my feet again and realize the horizon between the road and river. The danger of falling into the river crossed my mind. I could 
understand where people were by the distance of some conversations. When I 
figured out that there was probably a fence around there and closed, my hands touched a string. People seemed to arrange along this string. It would be right 
that this is the fence.


I never got tired of looking at the small lights that were slowly flickering. The 
impossibility of the prediction of the direction would catch the human's 
attentions. A light often approached us. The person next to me stretched out 
one's hand. Though everybody would think the same imagination, we hoped 
that the light stop somewhere on our body. However, it went away after all. The whim was lovable.

Their area for habitat was small. We could appreciate the lights only around the bridge slightly below the waterfall which I wrote in the previous article. The flow of the water under the bridge was calm and mild. Here was the most 
comfortable environment for the fireflies.

As i found the light of the rest area, I approached it. When I looked at the store's sign, I realized the carved letters, "Tokiwagi" on the wooden board. Wow, 
"Tokiwagi" is one of thelong-established stores in Atami and famous for "Yokan (Japanese old sweets)". But "Kibimoti" which was introduced by Atami's diving 
instructor exceptionally delicious! The store selected the raw materials for it and pursued the manufacturing method to make the "Gyuhi (Mochi or the rice 
cake)". The earnest mind would achieved the exquisite sweetness that is not 
too sweet. 

Baien was established on the middle of the high mountain. On the way home, 
which we go down the slope, we can enjoy another night view of Atami. The sea side of downtown was bright. But when I shifted my gaze backwards, the light 
was scattering on the mountain where there are only houses.