観光・その他 静岡県熱海市上宿町6−3   [地図]
Yuta Ando
2023-06-30 19:36
法界山 誓欣院(せいごんいん) 熱海の紫陽花寺  "Houkaisan Seigon-in" The temple of Hydrangea in Atami
観光・レジャー 静岡県・誓欣院
観光・レジャー 静岡県 誓欣院


When I told about the flowers of the seasons with a person who like wine, she 
introduced me the temple of Hydrangea in Atami. It's just the rainy season. I 
had to appreciate it right now.

When I visited, I understood the temple was next to Onsenji which I introduced before at this site. A lot of hydrangea were around the priests' quarters where 
we can get "Goshuin". In addition, they were fully blooming. It's just good timing. I walked around here and there in the area. Recently, it is known as "Hydrangea Temple". I agree with the reason by viewing this scene. 

It is told usually "the flower become red when the soil is acidic, and blue when 
alkaline". But it is interesting that it is the opposite here. There were the white 
hydrangea. They bloom the white flowers every year regardless of pH pf the 


It seemed that there was the wisteria trellis. I decided to come here next May.

I have a strong feeling to the wisteria flower like the plum blossom. When I 
entered into the second year of the study for the entrance examination of 
university, I couldn't eat foods, became taciturn and tended to withdraw in my 
room. My father would be anxious about my situation. He compelled me to help his work of "Tatami shop" two or three days a week under the guise of earning 
the pocket money. Maybe it's because of the hard physical labor. He took 
breaks in the morning and afternoon. At the time, he asked for me to buy some drinks at the vending machine in the back of the shop. There was an 
abandoned rag house in front of the vending machine. One tall tree stood in the garden. I found some great wisteria flowers were hanging from the branches. I was overwhelmed by the beauty and strength of the flowers. I knew the neatly 
arranged wisteria trellis for the admiration after the long times.

There was "Big footprints of Buddha" same with "Onsenji". This was given from 
Bodhgayā which is related with Buddha. Next to the footprints, the cretaceous "Buddhist reliquary hall" was established. Buddha's bones is enshrined here. 
"Seigonin" is one of the few temples in Japan where the bones of Buddha are 

This temple has a connection with "Zojo temple in Shiba". The golden "Aoi no 
Gomon (the family crest of Ieyasu Tokugawa)" was decorated on the roof of the main hall. It was interesting that there were some soothing creations in the 
gravel garden. The stone statues of frogs which were parent and child and owls which were a pair stayed calmly. 

There were many kinds of the stone statues of Jizo here and there. This temple extensively dealt with Perpetual Memorial Service, Baby Memorial Service, Pet Memorial Service and so on. The places and the structure of worship were 
different each other


"Seigonin" began from the transition of the portable "Amida Nyorai" which Chiba had in 1654. But the old temple suffered two big fires and moved the current 
place. At the second fire, it fell into the crisis of abandonment. "Zojo Temple in 
Shiba" helped it same as the first time. The current main hall and priests' 
quarters were constructed by using the pine trees of "Hastushima (island near 
Atami)". I was impressed with the fact deeply. 

By the way, if you got "Gshuin" here, you would also get a postcard on which 
the grateful message is written. 