観光・レジャー 静岡県熱海市渚町24−1   [地図]
Yuta Ando
2023-05-10 19:42
山口美術館 "Yamaguchi art museum"
観光・レジャー 静岡県 山口美術館


The hidden splendid restaurant is sometimes touted. It is not strange that we 
represent this "Yamaguchi Art Museum" would be worthy of the hidden splendid museum. The outlook seemed to be a small local museum between the private houses. But we wouldn't be able to imagine the quality and volume of the 
display items. "Art museum where everyone study" was put on the purpose of 
the establishment. Therefore, we can watch the new arts and the old arts 
together along the intention in this museum. As you can get the discount ticket 
at the station building in Atami, I recommend that you may visit here in the 
middle of the sightseeing of Atami by getting the thicket.

 There are 13 display rooms in this museum, including the outside wall. If added the cafe next to the reception, there would be 14 rooms. As the works were 
displayed everywhere, you may miss some of them. The themes were set on 
each display room. We can appreciate pictures, potteries, contemporary arts 
which are small or big. I would introduce some rooms which a person who 
doesn't know about the art can be interested in.


”春のビール祭り”の記事で、糸川ベンチャーズの曲を聴きながら映画「Pulp Fiction」に思いを馳せたことを書いたが、ここでもバンクシーが描いた「Pulp Fiction」に遭遇したのには、正直驚いた。主役の二人はその手に銃ではなく、バナナを持っている。その暗示するところを、あれこれと考えてしまう。

Room 1

Here is the room for the modern Japanese artists. We can appreciate the arts of "Yayoi Ksama", "Yoshitomo Nara", "Tadanori Yokoo" and so on. In addition, the works of Banksy who often became the topics in the news are exhibited.

I wrote on my article of "The Spring Beer Festival in Atami 2023" that I 
remembered the memory about the movie "Pulp Fiction with listening to the 
music played by "Itogawa Ventures." So I was surprised to see the "Pulp 
Fiction" again which was made by Banksy. The two leading roles had not guns but bananas in their hands. I imagined many things about his implication. 



Room 2

Rare works which were made by Picasso were displayed. They were the 
potteries. There were the dishes, the jugs and so on. And they had many kinds of motifs, for example, the face of human, animal and insect. Some days ago, I 
just watched the TV program in which his work "Guernica" was overlapped with the current situation of Ukraine which has been attacked and invaded 
mercilessly by Russia. We can realize the surprising side of Picasso.

The two lithographs in a series of "Human Comedy" were exhibited on the 
second floor. They were published in the literary magazine.


Room 4

Many kinds of Budda statues, for example, potteries, picture and sculptures 
were exhibited. I especially focused on "Amida Nyorai" and "Senju Kannon 
Statue" which were designated National Important Cultural Property. Each 40 
hand around the body of Kannon grasped different things. You may enjoy 
searching what each hand grasped. 




Room 5

Japanese ink painting, the paintings of beautiful woman attached to the hanging scrolls and the big folding screen painting were exhibited here. We can feel the delicate Japanese beauty in the old time.

Room 7

The drawing works both the east and the west were lined up here. You would 
be aware of the graceful work made by "Yumeji Takehisa." 


Room 8

This is the room for the modern western paintings. We can appreciate the works made by the famous artists who played the active part in France, for example, Rouault, Jansem and Harutsugu Fujita. You would be able to enjoy the 
moldings in addition to the paintings about Renoir.
展示室9 11


Room 9 and 11

Here is "Taro Okamoto Exhibition." Osaka Expo is going to be held in 2025. 
Tower of the sun which was built in Osaka Banpaku park is famous all over the world. But you can enjoy "Taro Okamoto's world" enough in this room by 
appreciating his unique works. The black and red chairs in the following photo 
are "the chair that refuse to sit 1, 2" They look like Taro Okamoto. The sculpture in the second photo is set on the room 9 which is outside. The name is "Fish." I considered " Is this fish? .....It would be fish." Anyway, "Salamander" in the deepest part of the room which was made by "Yuki Inoue" was so-called disgusting 

After the appreciation of the group of highly concentrated works, you can enjoy 
the painting experience on a little dish at the cafe with drinking a coffee or tea. Maybe you can mke a masterpiece by fully operating your sensitivity as you just finished to appreciate the works of the versatile masters. If you give it to a stuff after you finished to draw the picture, the painting would complete in 4 or 5 