自治体・地域 静岡県伊東市八幡野1736−7   [地図] [地図]
Yuta Ando
2024-03-31 20:57
八幡野漁港とドラマ「DCU (Deep Crime Unit)」   Japanese TV drama " DCU" and Yawatano fishing port
観光・レジャー 静岡県 八幡野の展望台
2022年の1月から3月にかけて、「DCU(Deep Crime Unit)」という、海上保安庁内に新設された、海中にまつわる事件や事故の謎を解明していく特殊な組織のドラマが放映された。物語の所々にスキューバ・ダイビングが取り入れられていたので、ダイバーの間ではちょっとした話題になっていた。


From January to March 2022, TV drama, "DCU ( Deep Crime Unit)" was  on air. It was the psecial organization which was newly established in the Japan Coast Guard to unravel the mysteries of incidents and accidents related to the ocean. As the drama often treated with scuba diving, it became a bit of a hot topic 
among the divers in Kawana.
(Official Site)
When a strong north wind blows and the sea in Kawana is rough, we frequently move to Yawatano and dive in the place. Yawatano is weak against south wind. 

In Yawatano, Fishery is prosperous. They nainly captured squid, shrimp, 
mackerel, etc.There are some good restaurants around there and we enjoy 
"Onsen" too. "Izu Highlands" which is famous as tourist spot and summer resort is near here. An intricate ria-style coast continues around Yawatano. This 
topography which is characterized by the steep cliffs was made by the lava that was flowed from Ohmuro mountain and cooled by the seawater at the eruption 4000 years ago. 
馴染みインストラクターから、ここはそのドラマ「DCU 」の舞台として、実際に撮影がされていたとの話を聞かされていた。八幡野を訪れる度に気になっていたのだが、今回はダイビング終了後にお願いして、ドラマで使用された場所を教えてもらいながら簡単に案内していただいた。



My familiar instructor said that here was used as the stage of the drama. "DCU" and actually filmed. I was concern about it whenever I visited Yawatano. So, I 
requested him the introduction and guide of the place which was on air.

He told me that you have to watch the episode 2 of the drama. The stage of the story was Hokuriku (especially, Noto Peninsula). However, some sceneries 
were definitely Yawatano in Izu.

At first, we went to the observation deck. We could see the steep cliff in the 
rough sea from here. It is the part of the ria-style coast. In the drama, the cliff 
matched with the scene that the actors guessed that the body would be 

The observation deck is the wide parking. We descended a steep and unstable slope on which some rocks sank in the soil and arrived at the rocky coast where the murder took place at midnight. The rocks around here had the unique 
shape. Therefore, we could understand the ferocity of the ancient eruption.

A detailed investigation was carried out here. The shellfish which attached to 
the rock covered the narrow space between the rocks. The stuffs of DCU found a blood reaction at the space. So, they determined that the coast was the scene of the murder.

You can move from the observation deck to the fishing port by the 
well-equipped stairs easily.

At the side of the port, you can feel the ria-style coast sensuously. As the cliff 
looked like closing in on me, I sensed some kind of pressure.

In the drama, the actor, ”Ryusei Yokohama“, jumped into the sea to help a child who was drowned.


By the way, the fisherman's restaurant, "Hut of Ama (Japanese seawoman)" 
was reflected in the drama. In front of it, a suspect sold the stuff an octopus 
while police investigated him secretly. The restaurant is near Kawana's coast.

Over 30 years ago when I was 18 years old, I obtained a driver's license. 
Automatic car became popular those days because people drove it very easily. But my father was the craftsman of “Tatami”. He has to carry many heavy loads. Therefore, his work car was a one-box car of manual system. He induced me 
drive for  the reason of my practice. At that time, I thought that we perhaps 
visited this "Hut of Ama". I don't know what kind of the set meal I ate. However, I remember that a half body of crab was lavishly arranged in a small bowl for 
miso soup (soy bean soup). I could relieve the stress from the unfamiliar driving by the ocean of Kawana seen from the tatami room.