観光・レジャー 静岡県熱海市和田浜南町9−24   [地図]
Yuta Ando
2024-05-31 05:50
熱海の海を奇麗に 「熱海ビーチクリーン2024」   "Atami Beach Clean 2024" Let's clean the sea in Atami
趣味・カルチャー 静岡県・熱海港
趣味・カルチャー 静岡県 熱海港

Once, I witnessed a shocking scene when I dived in Kawana sea. a boxfish 
which swim lovely took an unexpected action.


Since then, I have had an unparalleled interest about the underwater garbage.

I have a familiar diving shop in Atami too. The shop holds the event of the undersea cleaning every year and I have been interested in it from before. As I could adjust my schedule this year, I decided to participate in the event in spite of my 
immature technique.



OAverflowing-like people gathered in a small port. Though I registered in charge of the undersea cleaning, some people cleaned land spaces, for example, “Sun Beach”. Divers from other areas participated in each group. As I participated in 
this event personally, I was joined in the group of Atami shop.

This beach cleaning in Atami marks the 32 this year. In 2014, the event was 
awarded as Medals of Honor by Cabinet Office. So, it is a very noble act.

Opening ceremony was held and an organizer, a mayor and so on spoke a 
greeting. The regional character in Atami, “Atsuo”, came to encourage 



I thought that we would enter the sea from the edge of water as I heard the 
cleaning in the port. But we have to go to some places by a boat. The 
responsible part of my group was in front of “Sea Fishing Park”, the place of the name is “Seven-Three Jetty”. So, we have to use a boat.

The quality of the bottom of the sea was different at each place. An area of the yacht harbor was muddy quality. Therefore, if someone touched the bottom, 
their visibility would become very poor. Fortunately, as our area was rocky, our 
vision didn’t become cloudy.

The garbage related with fishing line were troublesome because it was easy to get tangled in my hand and didn’t fit in the bag easily. As I met everyone for the first time, I thought that I had memorized the characteristics of their wear in 
advance. Bur in the sea the colors change. When I concentrated to pick up
 garbage and looked around, someone who I didn’t know gathered garbage 
around me. As I realized that I lost my team, I went back and forth. Finally, I 
could find two persons who wore the different color’s fins. It was the important 
landmark for me.

The garbage was assembled at the port. I was surprised at the unbelievable 
volume and diversity. I saw a microwave and a refrigerator. Who abandoned 
them in the sea, how, and why?


The staffs prepared “Yakisoba”, “Onigiri” and “Ryousi Jiru (Fisherman’s Soup)” 
for us to reward cleaning efforts.

We could draw lots too. Though 1st prize was a luxury equipment for diver, it 
was almost impossible to get it. My luck with the lottery is so bad. I didn’t mind if I drew a losing ticket. However, I won “turban shell”. Wow, two big turban 
shells! I got a luxury side dish. While I basked in pleasure, I suddenly thought 
that I have to do a preliminary processing. I felt like that I had a extra work to 


After “Beach Cleaning”, I enjoyed two fun dives and went home.

As I wasn’t in the mood that let’s cooking the turban shells, I considered what to do about it for a while. As I was afraid that I was a bit scared to eat them raw, I 
boiled them in salt at first. When I touched their lids, they moved. I hesitated to boil them alive.


When I took out the fleshes of the turban shells, one intestine was white luckily. While I ate it for the first time, the taste was worth the hype, no bitter and 
slightly sweet and the smell of the rocky coast passed through my nose. After I cut it to small blocks and stored in a refrigerator, I mixed it with pasta tomorrow.