観光・レジャー 静岡県熱海市和田浜南町9−24   [地図]
Yuta Ando
2024-06-13 08:21
ビーチクリーン後の熱海ファンダイブ    Fun Diving in Atami after Beach Cleaning
観光・レジャー 静岡県 熱海港

最初は、これを目当てに各地からダイバーが訪れる巨大な沈船、「旭十六号」である(それについては以前に記事にしておりますので、御参照いただけますと幸いです。 https://freelife.ne.jp/article/4150 )。

After Beach Cleaning event, I enjoyed two fun dives at the discount price.

At the first dive, we went to the huge sunken ship, “Asahi 16th". Many divers 
visit to see it from various places (I wrote the article about it before. If you were 
interested in it, please visit the following URL).



During diving, human’s body absolutely absorbs nitrogen. If we floated up as it was, our bodies have the high risk of decompression sickness. Therefore, we 
must release the storedo nitrogen to some extent. So, we are forced to wait for at least 3 minutes between 3 and 6m depth to release nitrogen.

During the boring time, “Japanese Black Seabream” filled it for us. It was said 
that they came to live around here to eat the shells which attached to a rope. 
Thanks for a moment of relaxation!

At the second dive, an instructor guided us to a tugboat which was towing 
“Asahi 16th”. In the instructor’s talk, unless various conditions were met, the 
sttafs didn’t introduce anyone to the place because of the awkward location. I 
could have a precious experience.


The existence of this tugboat is a small addition to my previous article which I 
introduced you above. The relationship between “Asahi 16th” and the tugboat 
has a little sorrow story.

“Asahi 16th” was carrying too heavy gravel again and again at the time. It was a definite fortune that the time when the ship finally deteriorates would absolutely come. As serious damages were discevered on the hull of “Asahi 16th”, it 
retired from the front of the work and gave a role that stored the gravel 
transported frosm the back. The ship only needed to float on the sea because it was a just storage. Therefire, the engine was removed. “Asahi 16th” couldn’t 
move by itself. Sorrowly, it was no longer a ship. In the reason, a tugboat was 
necessary. However, one day a crew menmber noticed that a strange noise 
was generated in the sihp. He loudly ordered to evacuate to the ships working 
around “Asahi 16th”and all workers. Fotuately, there was no human damage. 
But, “Asahi 16th” broken in half and sank with taking the tugboat on the road.