観光・レジャー 静岡県伊東市川奈665−6   [地図]
Yuta Ando
2023-07-19 19:31
ホタルイカの卵! 川奈  Egg of Bigfin squid! in Kawana
観光・レジャー 静岡県・川奈
観光・レジャー 静岡県 川奈

I watched the trees that was sunk for the spawning beds for the firefly squids. Oh, many white bunches like the green beans hung under the leaves shadow of the little branches! The firefly squids liked this Kawana's beds this year too. At first dive, I could see only eggs. But at third dive, when I visited the nearest bed, the firefly squids came here for spawning. Despite that I watched as if holding my breath, the big size couple intimidated by opening their legs to me.

At another spot, I could observe the couple of Istigobius campbelli was established. I felt sweety by watching the action of the male to lead the favorite female to his nest. After the male wagged his tail in front of the female face, he moved slightly to his nest. When the female didn't move, he came back to the female again and repeated the action. The female closed to the nest once in several times. In the middle of the ceremony, though another female approached the male, he hit her by using his tail. Wow, he was so crazy for her! After he came back to her many times, the female want into his nest at last. Congratulation!!

On the way back, the instructor pointed a space. It's meaning "Here! There is 〇〇!". Though I searched there by following his fingertip, it seemed that there is no creature. Next time, he pointed below. What? On the bottom of the sea? So I stared at the sand. But I couldn't find anything. As tThe instructor wrote on the white board which was used to send the message in the sea "the baby of bigfin squids", I noticed at last that he taught me micro creatures drifting here. Thanks to the staff, I could manage to shoot them.

I received a kite feather that he happened to pick up the other day after I asked if he don't use it. When he picked up it, a lot of small dump trashes were attached to it.  He said that therefore he washed and dried it. Though I often found the feather of crow, kite was the first time for me. The color is dark brown almost black, and the core is thick and long. I'm under the consideration what kind of ornament I use.