玉崎神社② いすみ市 2025.1.3 "Tamasaki Shrine"② in Isumi-shi


As it was still the New Year holidays, many kinds of amulets and other items
were sold. As I essentially dislike restricting my future by the outside factor, the
reason is the obstruction of my future by mother from my childhood. So, I have no habit of drawing a fortune paper. But as I couldn't refuse something if
someone recommended it to me kindly, I drew it. After all, my fortune of this
year is "A little luck" as expected. The fortune said "Strive every day". I have
already known. It's obvious. My brother drew "great fortune". He is a lucky man from childhood though he told that because this year is my sign on the Chinese Zodiac.

"Ley line" is the road that derives from the fact that the ruins of old Britain were geographically aligned in a straight line, and it is said to have mysterious
powers. There are also several "Ley line" in Japan and all of them passes
through Mt. Fuji.
As "Tamasaki Shrine" is at the entrance of the line, it is called "Shrine of
As "Tamasaki Shrine" is at the entrance of the line, it is called "Shrine of
Heavenly way" too. "Road of Heavenly way" starts from this shrine and shows
the straight line connecting the east and west of 35 degrees 22 minutes north
latitude on which the sun rise from the sea and sink into the sea in Japan. At the time of "Spring Equinox Day" and "Autumn Equinox Day", daytime becomes
equivalent to nighttime. At the edge of the east area, "Izumo Taisha Shrine" is
The reason of making these two dates special is said that a balanced energy
The reason of making these two dates special is said that a balanced energy
between Ying and Yang flows as day and night are equal in duration. Therefore, the flow of energy also has a positive effect on the human body because the
human can be considered as a part of nature.

In the precincts, a Castanopsis tree grew. For that reason, there would be some villages named after "Castanopsis" around the shrine. The excellent tree whose trunk was so thick has been designated as a natural monument and enshrined as a sacred tree.

On the right side of the precincts, there was "Kotohira Shrine" which is famous 訪れる前に弟から、しばらく前から進入禁止、撮影禁止になっていると聞いていたのだが、事実であった。後日、電話で御住職に直接お尋ねしたところ、”悪戯をされることが多かったので、やむなく閉鎖した”、とのことであった。弟とそんなことではないかと勘繰ってはいたのだが、さもありなん、と思う。残念極まりない。
as a power spot.
After I climbed the short stone stairs, I could see Torii which was made by white stones. The area beyond was blocked off by a fence. There were similar stairs
After I climbed the short stone stairs, I could see Torii which was made by white stones. The area beyond was blocked off by a fence. There were similar stairs
and I looked ahead of it. Stone lanterns were lined up on the left and right, and a small circular place with bare soil spread out. At the center, a small stone
shrine sits solemnly. The area was surrounded by tall and slender Castanopsis
trees. This place was not decorated at all. It was a mysterious space with a
unique atmosphere.
I heard from my brother before visiting that this area has been forbidden to
I heard from my brother before visiting that this area has been forbidden to
enter and take pictures from some time ago. It was true. At a later date, I asked the head priest directly by phone. He answered that the area had been
repeated the bad pranks, so we had no choice but to close it down. We had
suspected that it was something like that on the way there. It's extremely
"Kotohira Shrine" was located at the back of "Chozuya (purification fountain)".
"Kotohira Shrine" was located at the back of "Chozuya (purification fountain)".

In the story of my brother, a portable shrine was exhibited in the precincts on
New Year's Day. However, at the day I visit, it was in this wooden house. At
"Jinkou Festival" in September, the portable shrine is carried around the area by its parishioners.