ウクライナ語の講座先に置かれているパンフレットで知った映画である。下のパンフレットは、渋谷の映画館の物であったので、日程を合わせて出向こうかと考えていたが、ネットで調べてみると、静岡の三島(正確には伊豆箱根鉄道「大場駅」)にある映画館でも上映予定だとわかった。その「ジョイランドシネマ みしま」では、5月12日からの上映開始と知らされていたので、早速訪れてきた。

I knew this movie from the pamphlet which I got in the room of Ukrainian 
lecture. The brochure below is published by the movie theater in Shibuya. 
Though I considered to match my schedule for watching the movie in Shibuya, I could know that it was going to be screened at Mishima in Shizuoka Prefecture by searching at the internet. As this movie began to screen from May 12, I 
visited "Joyland Mishima" right away.
監督のマンタス・クヴェダラヴィチウスは、リトアニアの出身である。いくつもの高名な大学を卒業した人類学者でありながら、ドキュメンタリー映画の監督へと転身した。5か国語を駆使できるマルチリンガルであり、2011年のデビュー作『Barzakh(バルザフ)』はチェチェンの政治的な荒廃を映した作品である。2016年には『マリウポリ』(残念ながら、日本では未公開だそうである)の名の、市民の日々の生活を記録した映画も作成していることから、この都市への思いには強いものがあったことが窺える。この『マリウポリ 7日間の記録』は、言わばその続編である。因みに、デビュー作の名”バルザフ”とは、イスラム教の方々にとって、死後、天国へ送られるか、あるいは地獄へ送られるかの審判を待つ間に、魂が過ごす場を意味している。

The movie director, Mantas Kvedaravicius, is from Lithuania. He graduated 
some famous universities and became an anthropologist. But he converted to 
the director of the documentary movie. He is a multilingual who can use five 
languages. The movie, "Barzakh" in 2011 is his debut work which treated the 
political devastation in Chechnya. In 2016, he made "Mariupolis" (unfortunately, this seems to be unpublished) which recorded the usual life of the citizens. 
Therefore, we can imagine his strong attachment to this city. The movie, 
"Mariupolis 2" is a sequel, so to speak. By the way, the word, "Barzakh" means 
the place where the spirit live while it is waiting for the decision of heaven or hell after the death for people of muslim.




His age at death is March 30, 2022. Mantas Kvedaravicius went into Mariupol at the change into March and began to take the movie by his cellphone. 

He helpede women, children and elders to escape from here while taking the 
movie. Meanwhile, he went into the house where Russian military occupied 
accidentally. He was restrained. He was examined his body, tattoo and moles. Russian judged the mole was the evidence of NATO soldier,,,,,,. He was killed 
by them. It occurred at May 30.

His Ukrainian fiance also accompanied and waited for his return in the bus. But only his driver returned. After understanding the reason, she went to Russian 
military settlement and negotiate with them bravely. At first, they said that we 
didn't knew about it. However, they told her before long that he died. After that, she continued to search for him and retrieved his remain.

His production team including his fiancé as the assistant director brought back 
the movie by hiding it in their car cleverly. So they could make this movie with 
the intention of the director implicitly.


This movie projected the war. But it didn't have the brutal scenes, for example, 
the death by bombing, the shooting to death and so on. The director calmly 
filmed the current ordinary life of people who were robbed of their ordinary 
everyday life by this aggressive war. (but, at one part, the corpses were 
reflected on the screen when two men took some action to maintain their lives).

If you watched this documentary movie in the closed and dark space, you would disgustingly realize the mental state of the general citizens who lived in the land that had become a battlefield for no reason. The bomb exploring sound was 
incomparable with the sound which we heard on TV and the internet. For a 
moment, I fell into the illusion that I also live in the circumstance. At first, I was 
startled by the loudness of the explosion which landed near here and my body 
trembled momentarily. On the pamphlet which I got at the lecture, it is written 
"the thunder-like bombarding sound is roaringー." I thought so too. The sound of explosion is same with the sound of the thunder which we know well. So if I felt only the sound, it would be the difference that the lighting struck nearby or far 
away. However, the earth tremors reach after the explosion of the bomb. The 
ground and the building really tremble. The closed door was clattering in the 