観光・レジャー 東京都豊島区東池袋3丁目1 サンシャインシティワールドインポートマートビル 屋上  [地図] [地図]
Yuta Ando
2023-04-11 20:09
毒展!! イン サンシャイン水族館特別展 "Poison Exhibition!! Sunshine Aquarium special Exhibition"
観光・レジャー 東京都 サンシャイン水族館


I heard that this exhibition is the second time. " The Poison Exhibition"!! The 
creatures which have the strong poison are exhibited  at this aquarium. The 
quality of poison can kill the human easily. As there were many creatures which I can't observe at the points of Izu Peninsula, I was familiar with visiting it after 
the scuba diving festival which was took place at next building.  

After I went through the entrance, there were the panels which were written 
about the explanation and introduction about the poison on the wall. I was 
deeply interested in the level of poison and the kinds of creatures which have 

Though I can image the lizards, frogs, and spiders have the poison, I was 
surprised that the oleander also has the poison. In addition, the poison spread 
around the soil. If we didn't know the fact, we would receive the unfortune. It is 

Though we surely know that the stingrays, the globefishes, the jellyfishes and 
the scorpionfishes have poison, I was impressed with the beautiful color of the 

"Kitamakura ( the north pillow. It is Japanese culture for the dead persons. If we laid them, the pillow would be put on the north side on the beds.) " live in the 
ocean of Izu Peninsula. So we can watch it every time. The origin of the 
ominous name is that almost people who ate it at the old time died, because 
they didn't think this is a kind of globefish. I heard this fact from the familiar 

The shawl crab which have a lovely name ( in Japanese, "it have the smooth 
surface and looks like the steamed bun") and shape has the level 5 poison. (In 
the movie below)
There is a moray which has the poison. The name is "Giant moray" in English, "Poison moray" in Japanese. The moray could become ferocious instantly if it 
was harmed. So I don't know the reason why the moray has the poison. 


It is unexpected for me that Scribbled leatherjacket filefish has poison. 
However, I can understand the reason as I read the board of explanation that it eats sea anemone. (In the movie below)

There was the booth in which we tried to smell the fart of the skunk. Though I 
wanted to try it, I planned to participate in the drinking party with the friends of 
the scuba diving after this exhibition. I gave it up unwillingly as I thought that I 
may came to feel sick. A couple tried it in front of me. They told the unpleasant 
impression of the smell each other.

This is the short term event, so the area is not a wide scale. I think that 
everyone can visit casually, as it doesn't take times to watch this exhibition. It is obvious that I can't introduce all of the creatures. If you had the interest, I would recommend your visit.  

The creatures in the movie : Crown-of-thorns starfish, Yellow boxfish, 
White-blotched river stingray, Finepatterned puffer, Shawl crab, Scribbled 
leatherjacket filefish, Mottled spinefoot, Brown-lined puffer, Japanese newt.