三島神社 - 静岡県伊東市
観光・レジャー 静岡県伊東市川奈868   [地図] [地図]
Yuta Ando
2024-12-29 06:52
川奈祭り③ 万灯と山車 2024.10.20    Kawana Festival③ "Mantou" and "Original Float"
観光・レジャー 静岡県 川奈港

Next, I challenged to visit the dangerous jetty where high waves crashed into by being careful not to be exposed to droplets. As the rough waves had calmed 
down a little, I was never hit by waves from above. However, the splash of the 
waves rose up at unpredictable times from the numerous vents on the floor of 
the embankment. The view looked like the Whack-a-Mock game. So, the 
strange sight made me burst out laughing in spite of the dangerous signs.


The coast beyond the embankment is “Kawana Beach”. It is a long beach with a total length of 300m, in addition, the rocky area. Therefore, the sea water is 
extremely transparent. As here is shallow, you would enjoy snorkeling and 
observe various kinds of sea creatures.

As the pulling force of the rough waves was so strong, stones were rolling. The dry and dry sound was comfortable for my ears. By the way, I heard that a large number of pufferfish come here to spawn at the day of the spring tide of early 


Those are “Mantou” and “Dashi” gathering at the parking lot.

“Mantou” is the symptom of “Kawana Festival”. The shape is a large version of “Matoi” which had been used by firefighters in Edo era. It had unique 
decoration. From the top of “Mantou”, the floral decorations which imitated the 
bonfires seen during the night fisheries at the old time were hanging down. The height is 3m, and the weight was over 60kg for adding various decorations. 
Someone said that the weight was over 110kg at first! At the time, it was 
commonplace that the elders kicked the youngers who were carrying “Mikoshi” with love (I suspect it). As I had grown in soccer club with the strict hierarchical 
relationships from 6 to 15 years old, I had experienced this kind of the 
meaningless custom.


There are three “Mantou” because three towns, “Koura”, “Miya cho” and 
“Higashi machi”, exist in Kawana. Each town had each one. It was interesting 
for me that a three-dimensional picture which related to the historical story was hung on each “Mantou”. On the top frame of the fan-shaped pictures, the initial "Kanji" of each town, for example, “Miya (宮)”, “Higashi (東)” and “Shou (小)” 
were engraved.

First, I introduce this picture of “Miya machi”. The scene that Yoritomo Minamoto visited Kawana for the first time was depicted.

This is “Dashi” of “Miya cho”. A small “Daikokuten” who is one of Seven Lucky 
Gods in Japan was sitting on the roof with smiling. He is God of plenty of grains. Therefore, the fishermen in Kawana prayed for a rich catch in future.

Second is “Higashi machi”. The depicted scene was “Battle of Kawanaka River” which is the famous historical event. During the Warring States Period, Shingen Takeda, who was seeking to expand his territory, fought against Kenshin 
Uesugi, who had advanced in response to a request for help from the local 
people. The picture was the moment that Shingen Takeda was trying to stop 
Kenshin's sword on the horseback by using a military fan ("fan" is "Ougi in 

From the roof of “Dashi” of "Higashi machi", a blue demon was glaring at us. 
Under it, the figure of fishermen who pull a net was carved on a wood.


Third is “Koura”. The picture represented a part of Japanese legendary story, “White Rabbit in Inaba”. The content is that a cunning white rabbit crossed the 
sea from a coast to another by tricking a crocodile (or sometimes it was written as a shark because there were no crocodiles in Japan at the time). When the 
rabbit gave spoilers, the crocodiles were angry and plucked out all the body 
hairs of the rabbit.

Furthermore, the wound of the rabbit was widened by Yasogami's malicious 
advice ("Yasogami" means "many Gods"). On the picture, I could recognize the figure of “Ohkuninushi-no-mikoto” who is one of Gods of Japanese mythology. It would be the scene that kind "Ohkuninyshi" encountered the crying rabbit.

“Dashi” of “Koura cho” also had the relation with the story depicted on “Mantou”. Under a red demon with two long horns, two rabbits were running through the 