川奈祭り④ 川奈祭り 三島神社へ帰る Kawana Festival④ Return to Mishima Shrine

Even if they felt it was too heavy, they should never knock it to the ground. However, because of the heaviness, everybody can’t carry it by themselves so long
time. The carry man constantly took turns. The fellows always stayed around
"Mantou" for safety and maintained their tensions. At the moment that a man
carried up "Mantou", "Kang!" the clappers were struck and it sounded like
putting the powerful energy into them. The strong men of the sea responded to
the sound, put all his strength into two stretching arms up and down and carried it with an angry-like look on his face. The appearance was so brave!
By replacing the carry with fresh young people again, the second half of the
festival started. At first, "Mikoshi" climbed the gentle slope continuing " Kawana Beach". Then, they returned to Kawana Port, left the seaside and entered the
narrow road in the town with "Mantou" and "Dashi".

After they came to the foot of "Mishima Shrine", the repeating action that they
rushed to "Mantou" and returned began again. When they thought that it's
enough and closed to the stairs, an old man yelled "Not yet! Not yet!". Already, most young people were out of breath. Despite their condition, they must rush
to "Mantou" again. A woman was cheering in her heartful voice, "Do your best!". Those watching the situation from the sidelines, like me, couldn't help but
synchronize with the young men who worn expression of agony. I was tempted
to say that enough is enough.
In addition, they must carry up "Mikoshi" via the steep stairs to Mishima Shrine with such the exhausted bodies. They must have used up all the strength in
their arms. One step itself was so low. However, even at the height, it was
difficult for them to lift it.
their arms. One step itself was so low. However, even at the height, it was
difficult for them to lift it.

It took a long time. When finally reaching the temple grounds, they started
jumping around again with "Mikoshi". It's already a penance. Gratitude to God
would need to be expressed with all their hearts and souls.

After the portable shrine was placed inside the main hall, three "Mantou" made a final performance on the temple grounds. The festival would finish by it.
Intuitively, I was sure that the best performance must be behaved before the
gods right at this moment.
the year. However, it was not just a matter of comparing their strength; the
highlight was also how bravely and beautifully they could wave "Mantou".
Naturally, training is required to play the performance with holding up the heavy "Mantou" ideally. For the reason, they had practiced hard for about 10 days just before the festival. Each town has its own unique technique. So, they boasted
about their respective skills to each other.
After this festival, "Mantou" was disassembled and will be stored until next year carefully.
After this festival, "Mantou" was disassembled and will be stored until next year carefully.

Anyway, festivals in which large portable shrines and floats parade through a town are common throughout Japan. But this was my first experience of seeing a festival in which "Matou" were used.